Tuesday, 7 August 2018

The South Africa Adventure - Cape to Addo Day 2

Sunday, July 29th, 2018

No sleeping in this morning because it is Sunday. I have a date down the beach - with a sunrise! Things are still very sleepy and quiet at Cape Agulhas Backpackers when I set out on my early morning walk.

Even the beach is still very quiet and I'm the only person there for quite a while. I'm feeling quite lonely, missing my dogs, as I don't usually go to any beach without my besties.

The moon is still visible up there above the sand dunes.

Eventually, there are another couple of people farther along the beach.

By now, some of my new friends from our group have arrived too.
Together, we watch until the sun almost blinds us. 

How glorious is that?

Back at the hostel, Machiel, our guide and driver is already cleaning out the bus. He is able to tell me that these little birds are called weaver birds and they weave these amazing nests.

The resident parrot in the dining room who greets everybody with a very clear 'good morning'.

Our breakfast table is set. Everything here is very colourful.

This is the path to my private room.

And here is my very own little front yard. Too bad I only get very little time to sit there and catch up on my diary.

Back on the bus and ready for the next eventful day.

We arrive in Mossel Bay at lunchtime. Before we go down to the waterfront, we stop in a shopping centre where we buy picnic lunch.

This is our trusty little bus.

While we're eating our picnic, we watch some very hardy surfers out despite the not so perfect weather.

However, the weather starts to clear after a while as we wander along the waterfront.

I have plenty of rocks and water to keep me happy.
Dear reader, I can only hope you enjoy rocks and water as much as I do.

Eventually, we arrive at the grotto where some early Dutch merchants briefly came ashore and  discovered discarded mussel shells, left there by ancient tribes, hence the name of the town.

However, it was in 1488, when Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Dias arrived on these shores that the town was settled with the first Europeans.
He was followed in 1497 by Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama who then continued on to India.

Coming down from the grotto to the car park, we find all these funny little Dassies. They don't seem to be fazed at all by the tourists.

The drive from Mossel Bay onward is very beautiful indeed as all the Bougainvilleas seem to be in full flower.

Our next stop is for two of my travel mates and myself to have some quad biking fun. 
I can't find any cows on the 11 km run through the bush, but I spot a couple of Vervet Monkeys.

One of our mates has been busy trying his hand at archery, while the other girl relaxed by the beach.

Machiel rounds everyone up and takes us to a lovely guesthouse in Sedgefield where we are to stay for the next two nights.

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